Tuesday, November 3, 2009

High heels - A Confidence Supplement!!

High heels used to be my obsession during my school days and I was forced to part ways with it post marriage for obvious reasons. Recently I gave in to my temptation, investing on a pair in easy spirit and ever since I feel my confidence have doubled:).

Wondering if it is the magical touch of the shoes or purely psychosomatic??

In point of fact I have invariably felt self-assured and phenomenally certain whenever I am in new clothes, glorifying high heeled footwear and finally complementing with GivenChy or Eternity!! Am struggling to understand if this feeling-high-in-new-attire is a wierd characteristic of the materialistic thyself or is it a girlie thingie or is it a genuinely human sense. However it is, it has aided me the best plausible excuse whenever I choose to go on a shopping spree!!

Walking in hightops has forever made me act like am wearing an invisible crown and swaying in an air of confidence!! I have always found my westerner associates most aplomb than most of us around and all of them wear only high heels!!! This fortifies my claims that high heels are the best confidence supplements in town and one of the secrets to women's success!!!


  1. Meenakshi!
    Good one!! I feel exactly the same, like feeling high in a new attire!!
    Looks or perhaps the way we carry ourselves, when appreciated in addition adds a lot to confidence :)

  2. That`s absolutely true about the feeling high thing. Unfortunately,i have never worn a high heels till now, for the obvious reason that i`m already very tall.One of my unfulfilled wish :(

  3. I can understand the effect it has on your psyche, what about your feet, don't they hurt? That is the reason I stay away from these though I agree that there is an amazing appeal to looking good in high heeled shoes.

  4. I think anyone feels just proud to walk tall.

  5. Are you high on heels in office or just around the town ? I ( most of us) cannot walk even few blocks in those. I keep all my high queens in office cubboard . And do the block walking in my tennis shoes. That way it is comfortable in and out of office : )

  6. Thanks Priya.....we just need a reason for a new dress - dont we:)

    Nandhini - there is nothing like an already tall.....you are still short to wear heels..dont miss it for a lifetime....u will regret very badly:)

    Anu - confidence appeals more to me than the pain:) So any day I wouldn't mind tolerating it for the sake of bigger returns...

    Su - yes...some are naturally gift..some acquire it with support:)

    Valli...practise makes one perfect....if we keep saying we cannot walk a few blocks we will never be able to walk:)!!
    well ur work around is also good and apparently thats what I follow too:)!!

  7. hahhahh .Meena - I really donot want to perfect walking blocks in high heels. I intent to keep them for show offs than walk offs hahahaha ..
    We are more than high heeled ladies when it comes to confidence...you were a very confident ,put together person when i first saw you in your sneakers :-)

  8. Reading this reminded me of my working days and my collection of heels during those days :)..... and now for obvious reasons i cant wear them :(
