Monday, August 2, 2010

How true...

Recently I came across a proverb "Those who cannot understand a look will never understand a lengthy conversation..". Am not sure under what context this was framed but what comes to my mind immediately to suit this saying is "Men and their insensitivities in a relationship"..In my opinion both go hand in hand!

All important men in my life, be it my dad, my brother, V, have been dutifully living upto this maxim. Am excluding Jay from this list for the time being and I hope for his own sake, he turns out to be in that 1% exception lot.

Am sure everyone one of us (read girls) must have heard this line "you should have said, I would have done" atleast once from the men in your life. I agree that communication is the only key to have a conflict free relationship but communication doesn't mean opening your mouth and spitting out the words all the time.

Every part of the body is a medium of communication. Eyes are the second best to one's mouth. Many a times I have felt eyes are the most truthful communicators than the aperture on the face.

When the men have their mood-swings which in any case they claim is rare, we are the first ones to find it out even before they understand what is going on with them. We are so sensitive to even the minutest of all changes they display in any form  - A look, an expression, a tone, body language, whether we respond positively or not is a different story, but at the least we acknowledge they are not their self and leave them alone.

Why is it so difficult for the men to return this favor to us? Can’t they really recognize it or is it that they just dont want to do it..I have neither been able to understand nor extract an explanation from all the important men in my life. It makes me wonder, aren't we all the same "Human Beings"??


  1. How true Meena.. HOW TRUE!!! :-) You have spoken my mind off in this post!
    This is PD btw..
    Great post..Keep the good work going!!

  2. So true! I second you. Gender bias doesn't really plays a difference in understanding a person I guess. But men will readily have an explanation thanks to all men are from Mars...., why men don't listen , women cant read maps etc... Phew!

  3. WOW!!u said it right & am going through this phase now :(

  4. wow...ur really gud... this is really the case always..with men

  5. don't get overwhelmed by the above responses..all these are ladies only.
    Men and Women are eternal contradictions on the earth.This fact, is accepted by a man(he says "she is like that only")and not realized by a women (she says "why is he like that"). Hence she wants everything like to be like hers. So all we can do is to pray OH GOD SHOW SOME MERCY TO THESE LADIES.

  6. can't agree more with you, Meena..

  7. No Men cannot understand the gestures and body language .Thats how they are built .Thats the nature .Its like women liking jewels and men liking gadgets.

  8. Great as usual but this time little serious.! why?(aathukararoda sandaya?!!) Its a must read blog for men.!!

  9. Look is understood or misunderstood, but sometimes it is better to ignore........
